
Bible reading thought:
Take a moment to be present with Jesus - his Spirit is within us. 
Q. Where is God leading me to repentance and worship as I read?

Acts 16:1-5

Timothy Joins Paul and Silas

16 Paul came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was Jewish and a believer but whose father was a Greek. The believers at Lystra and Iconiumspoke well of him. Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek. As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalemfor the people to obey. So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.

Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible,
New International Version® NIV®
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