Starting Mon the 17th of Feb.
As we continue in 2 Kings, let’s keep our hearts open to the Holy Spirit leading us as we read.
Q. What prayers come to mind that you could share with your Travelling Companions via Slack?
Mon: 2 Kings 14
Tues: 2 Kings 15
Wed: 2Kings 16
Thurs: 2 Kings 17
Fri: 2 Kings 18
Sat: Psalm 17
Sun: Psalm 18
Starting Mon the 24th of Feb.
As we near the end of 2 Kings, let’s keep our hearts open to the Holy Spirit leading us as we read.
Q. What prayers come to mind that you could share with your Travelling Companions via Slack?
Mon: 2 Kings 19
Tues: 2 Kings 20
Wed: 2Kings 21
Thurs: 2 Kings 22
Fri: 2 Kings 23
Sat: Psalm 19
Sun: Psalm 20