Board & Exec. Team Hub


1/ Stories

Stories of God moving in lives shared weekly in Sunday services by May 2019. Stories from Children, Youth, Adults, Seniors, Men, Women, Deaf, International, covered throughout the year. Stories to involve: Physical healing, Salvation, Mental health miracles, Sexual identity miracles, Marriage miracles, Restoration (transformation), Expansion/Purpose (Shine), God in daily life.

2/ Leadership

DT and LG members are stepping into leadership: Team leaders, Ministry/Pastoral, Life Group Leaders, Next Gen., Leaders Released

3/ Prayer

Unite, Nelson, NZ, and the Nations covered in prayer weekly.

4/ Attendance

Growing average attendance

5/ Life Groups

Growing healthy Life Groups (connect, protect, grow, go).

6/ Giving

Growing giving received reflecting church partnership

7/ Baptisms

Pathways to baptisms are clear with new Christian’s being baptised

8/ Volunteering

Church partnership happening through Dream Team. Includes leaders: LGL’s, DTL’s, ET, Board.

9/ Next Generation

Growing 0-18 Next Gen Ministry (Creche, Kids Church, Intermediate, Youth)

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Executive Team

Slack workspaces:

Login at:

1. Unite Church General (unite-church)

2. Unite Church Board (unitechurchboard)

3. Unite Church Executive Team (unitechurch-execteam)